I have been sewing boning channels for the past two weeks...
The former Historical Sew Forthnightly is now the istorical Sew Monthly, which gives a lot more time to prepare and actually finish a challenge. The January challenge is "Foundations".
Since I am especially fond of all kinds of corsets and stays guess what I am sewing:
My first all handsewn pair of stays. My choice of item is usually done in a mood and not because I need a special piece of clothing. And as said: I love corsets and alike.
The pattern used is from my beloved copy of Waugh's Corsets and Crinolines, p. 43: 1793 Fully-bones short stays.
I didn't want to make a full lenght one to start handsewing on stays, and I always wanted to make those little bustle balls!
Unfortunately I couldn't get myself to sew anything for the first two weeks of the year. Today I finished the 124th boning channel and can finally start with the boning (before I do the remaining channels on the shoulder straps). I am relieved, that this work is behind me now, but with everything left to do (boning, sewing the pieces together, covering with silk brocade, eyelets, lining and those bustle balls) I don't think I will finish in time for the challenge due date, but so be it.
Here are some pictures not just to show my progress to you guys, but also to remind myself what I have accomplished already (and keep myself going)!
I'll keep you updated
See you soon!
Sonntag, 25. Januar 2015
Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015
The sewing year 2014
It has been a while since I wrote the last time and now it is high time to summarize 2014 and see, what I have made in one year.
I think I have never sewn as much, as I did in 2014!
The Historical Sew Fortnightly encouraged me to learn new stuff (like embroidery, millinery and staymaking), venture into periods I didn't particularly like or have sewn in before (like 18th Century - which I now like very much and will hopefully dig deeper into this year), make something just to make something to fit into a HSF challenge (like the pink dress) and do crazy stuff like handsewing (why on earth would I do that, when there is a perfect sewing machine just a metre away???)
Even though I havn't finished all challenges I am quite pleased with my learnings and results.
Here they are from inside out:
18th Century Shift |
1740-1760 Stays |
1776 Stays |
A matching Pocket |
1876 Corset |
5 hour Dore Corset |
1903 Corset |
Edwardian Drawers and Corset Cover |
Improvers and Pads |
A Hip Roll |
A Corded Petticoat |
A basic quilted Petticoat |
1901 Petticoat |
Another basic Petticoat |
The Whipped Cream Petticoat |
1864 Crinoline |
Chemisette |
1936 Pyjamas |
A 60s Dress |
Umbrella Skirt and Ballgown Bodice |
1931 Evening Dress |
1868 Watteau Paletot |
18th Century Cap |
A Belle Epoque Hat |
18th Century Begére |
Another Belle Epoque Hat |
A Discgolf Bag as Christmas present for my sister (the embroidery glows in the dark!) |
I also created a few new UFOs:
A 60s Dress with the bow only pinned and not sewn yet |
A 60 Dress waiting to get a facing |
A single Glove, waiting to get a partner |
Not really an UFO, since I havn't even started on the pattern |
An unfinished 18th Century Cap |
A big hat waiting for the tulle decoration to be fixed for real |
An early victorian Bonnet, still uncovered |
1840s Bonnet waiting for some trimming |
As said: I have never sewn that much in a year before. We'll see what the new one brings!
Happy sewing!!!
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