
Samstag, 25. Juli 2015

Totally out of my comfort zone...

...and therefore still unfinished.
Back in January I started with an ambitious project (at least for me). I wanted to build entirely handsewn stays.
The problem is, that I am really not a passionate handsewing person. It took me ages to make the boning channels and of course I didn't finish my project for the January challenge #1 Foundations.
Then challenge #6 Out Of Your Comfort Zone came up last month and I made another attempt to finish my stays.

I didn't make it:-(

Nevertheless I am very proud of my achievement so far and so I am sharing some progress pictures with you:

The stays will be covered in this cream coloured silk brocade

I braided the laces on a lucet.

Hopefully to be finished this year...

2 Kommentare:

  1. Sieht schon sehr genial aus! Bewundere alle, die die Geduld aufbringen Stays mit der Hand zu nähen.
