
Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2015

Head Weeks - Part 2

I promised more Headwear, so here we go:
Back in snowy Jaunary I made a regency Muff from some really expensive Fake Mink Fur. The original plan was (and still is) to complete the set with a fur Tippet or capelet to warm myself properly in winter.

Winter is gone and its close to 25°C on my Balcony, but since I just bought a lovely new Pattern using fake-fur, I decided to make a winter Bonnet anyway.
The Pattern is the Regency Bonnet from Lynn McMasters. So far all my hats are made from her patterns (and I love all of them), but I must admit, that I bought my first TV Hat pattern recently. More on that one soon...

All hats are constructed in a very similar way, so I spare you the construction pictures. They kind of look the same for every hat/ bonnet I make.
Please comment, if you'd like those back in my hat-related posts and I will happyly share them again with future  hat projects!

The Bonnet frame is made from heavy buckram and millinery wire. I attached the wire to the buckram and hemmed the ties by machine, but everything else is handsewn.
For historical accuracy I bought a petrol-cocloured cotton velvet and black silk taffeta for the ties and lining. The fur is fake as mentioned above, but I am absolutely happy with that!

I am so happy on how well the lining turned out! For the first time I managed to sew it in nearly invisible:-)


I didn't make any adjustments to the pattern, but if I'll ever make this kind of bonnet again, I will lengthen the ties a little. They seem a little too short after binding the bow...


I am really tempted to use this as regular headwear in winter, since it looks so "modern" from front. We'll see, if I actually dare to do so in 5-6 months.

Stay tuned for more Hats, Bonnets and stuff to be put on the head!

6 Kommentare:

  1. I love it! I love the fur, it's so playful!

  2. Wieder ein wundervoller Hut uns die Farbe ist toll!

  3. Ohh, der ist wunderschön! :) Und ich habe dich für eine Blog-Award nominiert, weil deine Sachen einfach immer so wunderbar sind. :)

    1. Uuuuh! Dankeschön! Da werde ich mich die Tage mal dransetzen:-)
