
Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015

The sewing year 2014

A very happy new year to you all!!!

It has been a while since I wrote the last time and now it is high time to summarize 2014 and see, what I have made in one year.

I think I have never sewn as much, as I did in 2014!
The Historical Sew Fortnightly encouraged me to learn new stuff (like embroidery, millinery and staymaking), venture into periods I didn't particularly like or have sewn in before (like 18th Century - which I now like very much and will hopefully dig deeper into this year), make something just to make something to fit into a HSF challenge (like the pink dress) and do crazy stuff like handsewing (why on earth would I do that, when there is a perfect sewing machine just a metre away???)
Even though I havn't finished all challenges I am quite pleased with my learnings and results.

Here they are from inside out:

18th Century Shift

1740-1760 Stays

1776 Stays

A matching Pocket

1876 Corset

5 hour Dore Corset

1903 Corset

Edwardian Drawers and Corset Cover

Improvers and Pads

A Hip Roll

A Corded Petticoat

A basic quilted Petticoat

1901 Petticoat

Another basic Petticoat

The Whipped Cream Petticoat

1864 Crinoline


1936 Pyjamas

A 60s Dress

Umbrella Skirt and Ballgown Bodice

1931 Evening Dress

1868 Watteau Paletot

18th Century Cap

A Belle Epoque Hat

18th Century Begére

Another Belle Epoque Hat

A Discgolf Bag as Christmas present for my sister (the embroidery glows in the dark!)

I also created a few new UFOs:
A 60s Dress with the bow only pinned and not sewn yet

A 60 Dress waiting to get a facing

A single Glove, waiting to get a partner

Not really an UFO, since I havn't even started on the pattern

An unfinished 18th Century Cap

A big hat waiting for the tulle decoration to be fixed for real

An early victorian Bonnet, still uncovered

1840s Bonnet waiting for some trimming

As said: I have never sewn that much in a year before. We'll see what the new one brings!
Happy sewing!!!

6 Kommentare:

  1. Wow! You did get loads done. I've been loving the HSF too. :)

    1. Thank you! I am so happy we're having the HSM this year!

  2. So many amazing projects in only one year. I love the undergarments you made, I would be happy if I managed to sew only one corset like any of these in a year.And your hat creations are so beautiful, I especially like the Belle Epoque ones.
    Can't wait to see what you come up with this year :-)

  3. Wunderbare Werke, eines schöner als das andere :) ich hoffe wir sehen noch viel mehr von dir.

    1. Vielen Dank! Ich gebe die Hoffnung nicht auf, dass ich meine Kleider irgendwann auch mal auf einer Veranstaltung tragen kann:-)
