
Dienstag, 4. Februar 2014

Something pink

Challenge #3 of the HSF is "Pink".

I am not a pink girl so I do not wish to spend money on this one. The only pink fabric in my stash are 3 metres of  pinkish polyester satin I've got some years back and absolutely can't remember what I had in mind when buying it...

Now, what to do with just 3 metres? It will not be enough for a big historical dress and I don't want many small pieces in pink. Again, I am not a pink person...
So my project should be one garment to use up all of the satin, which otherwise would lie in my stash forever. Especially if I'd start to cut it into tiny pieces...

I went pattern browsing and found an 1931-32 evening dress in Janet Arnolds "Patterns of Fashion 2".

This one:

The original dress was made from fuchsia-pink silk chiffon with a georgette sash.
I am not sure if my 3 metres will be enough for this dress so for the first time ever I made up a paper plan to place the pattern pieces on the fabric in the most efficient way.

My pattern plan:

Now I am quite certain that my fabric will not be enough for the frills on the front piece of the dress.
To prevent the dress of becoming too pink I will combine the pink satin with black chiffon. My plan is to make two layers of the top part of the dress and fill the frills with some black chiffon. The sash will be black chiffon as well. I hope this way the dress won't be too flashy...

My fabric combination:

Wish me luck!

2 Kommentare:

  1. I wish you luck! But I am quite sure the outcome will be gorcious!

    1. I will need that, thank you. I just made a mock-up and it is horrible!!!
